Cosmetic Dentistry Services

As part of our cosmetic dentistry services, we offer orthodontic care utilizing clear aligners. This simple method of treatment avoids the need for wires or brackets cemented to the teeth. A series of clear acrylic aligners gently ease the teeth into their ideal positions for a smile you love to show off.  Properly aligned teeth are not only more beautiful, they are easier to keep clean. Tooth decay and gum disease are more common among patients with crooked teeth. Crooked teeth may also experience strong biting stresses on the wrong parts of the teeth, leading to cracking or breakage. The purposes of orthodontic care go much further than just appearance!  If you are not satisfied with the alignment of your teeth, give us a call. With orthodontic care from Greater Brainerd Dental, we can soon have you on your way to a more beautiful smile.

Contact Greater Brainerd Dental